Letting Go Of The Agenda

New clients presenting for therapy often expect the therapist to fix their problems, and in an attempt to justify our sessional rates, therapists like myself can be seduced to expertly search for what is missing or broken in a couple’s relationship. So not only do the partners or individuals have their agendas, but we also … [Read more…]

What means ‘Everybody’?

Today sees my third decade of involvement with COSRT, our chosen accrediting body – one of several – and I find myself reminiscing about the changes within the profession. “BASMT”, the British Association for Sex and Marital Therapy, has always been one of very few, if not the only specialist body for sex and relationships – as … [Read more…]

Differentiation Only For Clients???

I am reminded that, some time ago, my friend David Schnarch,  (“The Sexual Crucible”, “Passionate Marriage” et al.), together with his partner Ruth Morehouse, came to Britain following an invite from the London Diploma and the Naos-Institute (www.naos-institute.com).  He stayed with us for a three-day Masterclass in London which attracted students from all over Europe, representatives of many … [Read more…]

Customer Care??

In the last few days, I have had a challenging exchange with the John Lewis Partnership. My personal experience was one of their intransigence, lack of movement, holding the power and it reminded me of our couples work when two people cannot arrive at an amicable and mutually positive way forward. Despite my offering of … [Read more…]

Psychosexual Therapy In A Multicultural World

I remember before starting the Psychosexual and Relationship Diploma and during the first lecture I questioned whether I was doing the right thing, and if coming from a different cultural and religious background would affect me fitting in with the rest of my colleagues or affect my framework. Graduallythis fear has diminished and I started … [Read more…]

And so it goes on!

I recently attended an on-line workshop via COSRT for working online, both parts 1 and 2. In the most recent one, about 40 practitioners attended, some I knew – others not and we were posed the question ‘How has living with COVID-19 been for you?’  It’s an important question, perhaps not so much if we … [Read more…]